Hi, Simon!
Thanks for reading and commenting.
First off, I’d recommend you to read my most recent capture workflow and apps because I’ve polish it a lot: “How I Only Use 3 Apps to Have the Best and Simplest Capture System of My Life” (https://bit.ly/3rDSdeU).
When I used MyMind, not today, I had a workflow inside the app using its tagging system. In my case, I didn’t have a connection or link to any other app (I don’t even know if it exists). Everything was made manually. That’s why I moved to the Capture System I share in the link above.
I have to say I’m a paperless guy from more than a decade, so I don’t read paper books.
If you’re referring to digital books, I use Kindle and Readwise. Later on, I process my Readwise highlights and create the actions or thoughts I need in Mem (the app I use for my Action and Thinking System).
Hope it helps!
Take care!