Hi, Noah!
Thanks for taking the time to comment the article. I do really appreciate it.
From my point of view, there aren’t.
I disconnected from Microsoft a long time ago.
I think they bet too late on Office 365 and Google had an architecture of development prepared to code on the Internet.
I cannot give an opinion about Microsoft’s ecosystem just because I haven’t any idea at all about that environment. Obviously, I’m convinced it should be pretty good. Microsoft is another company I admired because it helped me a lot in a stage of my life. I programmed a lot in Visual Basic.
I never understood Linux’s philosophy. I worked with Unix systems for a while in my life, and I don’t see that ecosystem within non-technical people lives.
For me, Google and Apple complement each other really well.
All the things they don’t pay attention to is covered by specialists. In my case, I’ll tell you some: Due, Drafts, Ulysses, Evernote, Notion, Obsidian, MindNode, Grammarly, 1password…
I hope my answers helps a little bit. Feel free to contact me whenever you need.
Take care!