Hi, Ellane W!!!
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment my article.
I do agree with you. Getting into a new system is a little bit “risky” when you think about “getting out” of it.
In this case, this is the export feature My Mind has (copy and paste from their site):
Export your mind
Your export will include the files you’ve uploaded and a “cards.csv” with your bookmarks, notes and snippets.
It’s not the best option but, at least, is “an option”.
I just use My Mind to capture things. I process them later in other systems/apps so, in my case, it won’t be a tragedy to close my account.
I’ve been using it just for a couple of weeks, but I’m impressed. My capturing process has never been better (I know DEVONthink, and I have to say this is “another story”).
And his roadmap is amazing too, because that’s how I think about PKM systems.
By the way, I have to say that I have no commercial interests at all with this app or any other. I just share my experience with them in case it may be useful to other people.
Last but not least, I always say the most important point is the workflow you follow. Apps come in and out. Workflows stay for the long-term.
For example, I’ve recently move from Evernote to Craft after more than one decade using the “green elephant”. No drama. My life keeps going.
Take care!