Hi, Ellane!
Thanks so much for reading and commenting!
I hope my approach is useful for you!
Yes, in my case, finding out that “middle entity” (“task or micro-project”) was life-changing for me.
Since then, I have the 3 perfect sizes to manage my whole life:
- Projects. Big entity, bird eye’s view.
- Tasks or micro-projects. Mid size entity. Great to plan on a daily/weekly basis.
- To-dos. “Stupid” tiny things you need to be on top of them.
I’ve created a type of note I call TASK. I name it TASK “<name of the task>”, so that I can quickly identify them inside my system.
This type of notes have this Front Matter:
taskPriority: 3
taskStatus: active
taskDoDate: 2022–01–07
taskWeekDay: Friday
taskDone: 0
taskWeek: 1
I’ve put values on each variable so that you can “get the idea”.
- taskWeekDay lets me easily identify the day on my different lists I create using the Dataview plugin. It’s not really necessary, but it helps me a lot when I’m seeing my table lists, for example, my “This week’s tasks” list. I can clearly see what I’ve planned for the whole week, moving things from one day to another looking for balance throughout the whole week.
- taskWeek lets me identify the week I plan to do that task.
As you can see, they’re all values I write “manually”.
It seems a “crazy approach”, but this “manually” is much faster than any other “automated” approach I’ve ever made.
I’m sorry to say I cannot share my dashboards due to privacy issues.
I’ll try to create a new vault to use it only for examples because I agree it’s easier to understand these concepts by seeing the dashboards.
Thanks for your comprehension!
Take care!