Hi, Antonio!!!!
Thanks for reading and commenting.
I've never been in a startup, but I've been inside projects with tough deadlines and running 4 companies simultaneously is kind of a start up (I guess) every day.
I think time management has to be a must, no matter the circumstances. You can let yourself go one or two days, but the sooner you go back to "the right way", the better you will feel, and the better your results, outcomes, and performance will be. At least, that's my experience.
Anyway, what you're describing is what my dear friend August Bradley names "Beast Mode". I add here his very "graphic" description because, as always, he nailed it:
"'Beast Mode' is a phrase that comes from sports and video games. It’s a short-lived state of hyper-intensity, in which exceptional feats are achieved and seeming super-powers come to life.
We all hit times when we’re up against a major challenge, a top priority that must be accomplished. In these instances, success in this one area is of such supreme importance that we must zero in on a single goal with everything we have. All else can wait. THIS must be delivered.
Beast Mode is for these moments.
As mere mortals we do not have true super-powers, except for one — complete unwavering laser focus.
So in such circumstances, I pause all our other goals and projects and in many cases slow or even halt habit & routine formation efforts. All these other elements were carefully crafted to optimize our progress in life, so choosing to go Beast Mode should not be a casual decision.
But sometimes it must be done, bring it all down to a singular concentration. Aim, fire, and unleash everything you have on it."
Anyway, I'd like to finish my comment adding an article in which I defend that our planning is not something to stick to it no matter what happens. That's not sense!
Your planning is a guide to let you know what you said your priorities were.
Whenever something unexpected comes, you check whether it's a higher priority comparing to your planning. If it's so, do your unexpected item and forget about your planned one. Re-schedule everything whenever you can, and keep on producing. Here, I send you the article I mentioned before: "Stop Using Your Planned Tasks to Kill Yourself" (https://medium.com/the-innovation/stop-using-your-planned-tasks-to-kill-yourself-4c0f8f3393b0)
The point is always replying a clear YES to this question: Is this thing I'm doing the one I'm supposed to do NOW?
Glad to share thoughts with you! You're great!
Take care!